Laputa castle in the sky (5)
Dissidia final fantasy (5)
Angel links (5)
Houkago no pleiades (5)
Prunus girl (5)
Tonari no miko-san wa minna warau (5)
Ys (5)
Blue submarine no. 6 (5)
Kemurikusa (5)
Sakura taisen | sakura wars (5)
Air gear (5)
Sekiro shadows die twice (5)
Steven universe (5)
Tsujou kougeki ga zentai kougeki de 2-kai kougeki no okaasan wa suki desu ka (5)
How to train your dragon (5)
Lord el-melloi ii sei no jikenbo (5)
Space pirate mito (5)
Kakyuusei (5)
Phantasy star portable 2 (5)
Kono bijutsubu ni wa mondai ga aru (5)
Howls moving castle (5)
Star wars (5)
Shikigami no shiro (5)
Unlight (5)
Cooking papa (5)
Quiz nanairo dreams (5)
Ninja gaiden (5)
Knights of sidonia (5)
Narue no sekai (5)
Silent hill (5)
.hacklegend of the twilight (5)
10 carat torte (5)
Arena of valor (5)
Bravely default (5)
Uninhabited planet survive (5)
Maho girls precure | mahou tsukai precure (5)
Alien 9 (5)
Helltaker (5)
Yuragisou no yuuna-san (5)
Momo kyun sword (5)
Kinnikuman (5)
Wagaya no oinari-sama (5)
Tsukuyomi moon phase (5)
Fist of the north star (5)
Shining force (5)
Robotics notes (5)
Majestic prince (5)
Assault lily (4)
Nijiura maids (4)
Atelier ayesha (4)
Galilei donna (4)
08th ms team (4)
Ben 10 (4)
Violet evergarden (4)
Senyuu. (4)
Bokusatsu tenshi dokuro-chan (4)
22 slash 7 (4)
Honzuki no gekokujou | ascendance of a bookworm (4)
Tokyo xanadu (4)
Princess tutu (4)
Powerpuff girls z | demashita powerpuff girls z (4)
Doki doki literature club (4)
Beat angel escalayer | choukou tenshi escalayer (4)
Rahxephon (4)
Pastel chime (4)
Ma ga ochiru yoru (4)
Kikis delivery service | majo no takkyuubin (4)
Overwatch (4)
Galaxy express 999 | ginga tetsudou 999 (4)
Daa daa daa (4)
Skullgirls (4)
Daitoshokan no hitsujikai (4)
Scared rider xechs (4)
Sousou no frieren | frieren beyond journeys end (4)
Dinosaur king (4)
Historys strongest disciple kenichi | shijou saikyou no deshi kenichi (4)
Captain earth (4)
Deadman wonderland (4)
Jewelpet sunshine (4)
Ah my goddess | aa megami-sama (4)
Scp foundation (4)
Marvelous melmo (4)
Otaku no video (4)
Chrono trigger (4)
Power instinct (4)
Twin angels | inju seisen (4)
Pastel chime continue (4)
Uchi no maid ga uzasugiru (4)
Devil survivor (4)
Tsuki wa higashi ni hi wa nishi ni (4)
Xenoblade (4)
Zoids new century (4)
Xenoblade x (4)
Shinmai fukei kiruko-san (4)
World of warcraft (4)
Kuromukuro (4)
Mieruko-chan (4)
Super sentai (4)
Slam dunk (4)
Kino no tabi | kinos journey (4)
Sisters natsu no saigo no hi (4)
Issho ni training (4)
Dimension w (4)
Letter bee (4)
Persona 2 (4)
Star ocean 4 (4)
Atelier marie (4)
Summer pockets (4)
Yume no crayon oukoku | crayon kingdom (4)
Kamisama dolls (4)
S-cry-ed (4)
Hajimete no aku (4)
The onechanbara (4)
Kamisama minarai himitsu no cocotama (4)
Megaman | rockman (4)
Playerunknowns battlegrounds (4)
Koe no katachi (4)
Yami no matsuei (4)
Deathsmiles (4)
B-daman (4)