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#85759 - By now the guys knew, Pauline and Lee knelt down, as Alf and I peed over them both, then we swapped around and let them piss on us, a nice warm shower after that cleaned us all up. then Jerry growled his cock jerked and Pauline's butt was flooded with doggy cum once more, that was to much for Alf he shot his load in her mouth and over her face, I licked some up, as Pauline just stayed locked onto my cock. I then lay on my back on the bed, Pauline pulled Jerry over, he licked my butt, then quickly jumped up, his cock going in my open butt, and I began to enjoy more of his k9 cock, he was happy to fuck me for some time, I love the speed, and heat from his cock, the others watched as he made me his bitch, knotting me fully, and soon the feeling of hot doggy cum flooded my hole, Jerry stayed firm, his cock seeding me long and hard, Pauline even said it looked like my tummy was swelling with the amount of cum going in me.

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